Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tips & Techniques - Bobbins vs. Stitchbows

I see a lot of questions going around the various online cross stitch groups & forums about how people store their floss/thread/fibers/cotton (whatever you may call it in your part of the world).  I thought I would give my opinion this week and the number one reason behind it.

You'll see below is a picture of some floss on a DMC Stitchbow holder (on the left) and some floss on a cardboard bobbin (on the right).  These are both DMC floss that I have pulled at random from my stash.  Each color is nearing the end of the skein.  You can see with the stitchbow that the floss is still straight & free of kinks whereas the green floss that has been stored on a bobbin is all kinked up, and typically causes me to deal with more knots than my floss that is stored on a stitchbow.  That in itself is my #1 reason for switching all my floss over to stitchbow holders.  I've been converting over the past 3 years or so, so I've been able to spread the cost out over time.

If you decide to convert to stitchbows you'll need 3 things to make it work.  First you'll need the stitchbow holders themselves, you'll need the pages to put them in, and you'll need a binder to keep them in.  The holders & pages are available at most major craft stores (Hobby Lobby, JoAnn's, etc.) as well as many online stores.  As far as the binder, you can get any 3-ring type that is available at your local dollar store, office supply store, etc.  I've picked mine up at various places and none of the colors match, but I don't really mind.  

Here's a picture of what it will all look like in a binder.  No, the numeric labels don't come with the pages, I did those myself with my label maker (my Dad would be so proud, lol!)


  1. I don't think I'll ever find a floss system that truly works for me. I did bobbins for awhile, and your picture shows the reason I hate bobbins too, kinks in my thread = grrr. I didn't like stitchbows either.I did the floss bags on binder rings for awhile and that seemed just as messy as tossing my skins in a box and leaving them there.

    My current solution: I don't have a floss stash. O_o not the ideal solution, but I only buy floss per project and I leave the little sleeve on the skein. Leftovers usually get used for ornament and bookmark stitching.

    1. I remember the days of not having a floss stash. Definitely had more "open" space, lol! But I think I'd go crazy with not having a stash now to be there for when I have those nights that I design a piece and have to start stitching it the same night. :)

  2. ive been looking at changing over to stitchbows. now im converted lol. it's nice to actually see photos.
